Embedded in this musical soundtrack are pulses of sound that activate alpha brainwave patterns, leading you to healthful and enjoyable states of relaxation.1 Based on over 20 years of pioneering clinical research
2 Experience beautiful and soothing musical compositions and 3D sounds of nature
3 Easy to use with headphones or ordinary speakers
4 Contains no spoken words or subliminal messages
“A variety of symptoms and conditions can result from prolonged exposure to stress, but these can be eliminated if we deal with the stresses in our lives on a regular basis.”
Reduce Your Stress and Tension
Listen to this program in the background during any activity to enjoy states of deep, healthful relaxation. These are the deep alpha states that EEGs show are attained consistently by experienced meditators.
Our pioneering works has led to groundbreaking discoveries in how sound frequency patterns built into musical soundtracks induce brainwave entrainment. Fortune 500 companies, healthcare professionals, clinics, hospitals, meditation groups, and individuals worldwide use our audio programs for deep relaxation, healing, inner exploration, and meditation